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1.What is S.M.A.R.T. and do the Mmoment drives support it?+
Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) is a built-in monitoring capability in hard drives and SSDs. It can allow users to monitor the health of a device. It does this through monitoring software designed specifically for the S.M.A.R.T. feature. All of our Mmonent drives support S.M.A.R.T.
2.When I try to install Windows 7 from my installation disk, it will not detect the new SSD. But the drive is seen in the BIOS. How do I resolve this?+
"When the SSD is recognized in the BIOS, but Windows 7 installation does not detect the drive, follow these steps:
Disconnect any other hard drives or SSDs. Boot the Windows 7 installation disk. Choose repair, then advanced, then command prompt. Type: ""diskpart"" without quotes and press Enter. You will see a prompt labeled ""diskpart"". Type the following commands and press enter after each one.
Diskpart > Select Disk 0
Diskpart > Clean
Diskpart > Create Partition Primary Align=1024
Diskpart > Format Quick FS=NTFS
Diskpart > List Partition
Diskpart > Active
Diskpart > Exit
Then reboot the computer to the Windows 7 installation disk."
3.How do I verify the TRIM Command is enabled in Windows 7?+
First, open an Elevated Command Prompt window.
To open an Elevated Command Prompt window: Click on Start Orb > Type ""CMD.exe"" in Search box > Right click on ""CMD"" and select ""Run as Administrator"" (If you receive a prompt confirmation, click YES)
To verify the TRIM command is enabled, type the following and press enter in the Elevated command:
fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify
The results will be as follows: DisableDeleteNotify = 1 (Windows TRIM commands are disabled) DisableDeleteNotify = 0 (Windows TRIM commands are enabled)
To enable the TRIM command,type the following and press enter in the Elevated command:
fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 0
To disable the TRIM command,type the following and press enter in the Elevated command:
fsutil behavior set disabledeletenotify 1
4.When I connect my SSD as a secondary drive, it is seen as new hardware but I cannot see it as a usable drive. How can I resolve this?+
Open the control panel, open administrative tools and then open computer management. Click on Disk Management and see if the SSD drive is seen in the right window pane. If it is, right click on where it is labeled as disk 1, disk 2, etc and select "Initialize disk" (this may come up automatically when you go to Disk Management).
5.Should I defragment the Mmonent drive to maintain optimal performance?+
SSDs do not require defragmentation. Since there are no physical disks, there is no need to organize the data in order to reduce seek time. Therefore defragmenting an SSD is not effective. Also, defragmenting an SSD can put undue wear on specific areas of the drive. SSDs are designed to write data as evenly as possible over the entire drive to reduce undue wear to any one location. Nonetheless defragmenting your SSD drive a couple of times will not harm it. However if it is done continuously over a long period, it may reduce the life of the drive.